AJL Productions
Over the last 10 years, we have focused our efforts on the production of bilingual, high quality health and safety compliance videos for the agricultural industry. You can see some examples of our work below.
COVID-19: Use the Tools, Prevent the Spread. Copyright AJL Productions 2023. A collaboration between AJL Productions and the Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (PNASH),the University of Washington, Seattle. Conceived and produced during the height of the COVID pandemic, this useful, engaging video is in both Spanish and English and addresses what COVID virus is, how it spreads, and how to best prevent the spread. A useful tool for workforce health and safety these are now streaming on the YouTube channel of the High Plains and Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (HICAHS)/www.farmworkertraining.com
OLGA'S STORY: A story of one/a story of many. Based on one Polish woman's life who at the age of 16 joined the Polish Resistance during World War II, worked as a triage nurse on the streets of Warsaw, was in two concentration camps and liberated to England. In production.
¡BASTA!: SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN AGRICULTURE - A WORKPLACE PREVENTION TRAINING. Developed with the Pacific Northwest Agricultural Health and Safety Center (PNASH), University of Washington, Seattle. This is part of a larger work place prevention training developed by PNASH specifically tailored to the Agriculture Industry: